Financial Information Service


With the rapidly changing business environments in Hong Kong and PRC together with the high requirement of the investors, the Group has continued to provide investors with one-stop solution that includes transaction services in addition to pure data, news and analytics. The article publishing volume is 300/day at least.

The Group has been carefully examining the ways to improve its competitive advantages and operational efficiency amid the competitive business environment. The Group has continued to promote the brand name of Finet as a leading financial and HK local news provider, expand its financial news distribution channels and introduce value-added services in press release, media monitoring and investor relations to its clients, which so far have been appreciated by the market. Besides, the Group has been expanding its mobile distribution channels for financial content.

The content for the daily news published by the Group are mainly the following 5 prospectives:

  1. Key market information, including but not limited to, public companies, IPO, regulators, investment banks information, and press releases;
  2. Analysis of market status;
  3. Public companies interview;
  4. Identify investment opportunities for investors by analyse the market trend and exclusive information;
  5. Hong Kong real estate market report and analysis
  6. Global major stock markets
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